There is no exact age that a child should seek orthodontic care, but the American Association of Orthodontists recommends all children get a check up with an orthodontist around age 7.


The benefits of this early check up with an orthodontist are:

  • Spot subtle problems with jaw growth and emerging teeth while some baby teeth are still present.
  • While your child's teeth may appear to be straight, there could be a problem that only an orthodontist can detect.
  • A check-up may reveal that your child’s bite is fine. Or, the orthodontist may identify a developing problem but recommended monitoring the child's growth and development, and then, if indicated, begin treatment at the appropriate time for the child. In other cases, the orthodontist might find a problem that can benefit from early treatment.
  • Early treatment may prevent or intercept more serious problems from developing and may make treatment at a later age shorter and less complicated. In some cases, the orthodontist will be able to achieve results that may not be possible once the face and jaws have finished growing.
  • By checking children early, we can spot subtle problems with teeth or jaw growth, determine if treatment is needed, and, if so, when it should start. That's key, because for each patient, there's an ideal time to begin orthodontic treatment in order to achieve the best results.
Typically early treatment involves the use of materials, appliances, or braces; and techniques to guide growth of young bones. As adult teeth are emerging, creating a better environment for those new permanent teeth may give the orthodontist chance to:
  • Guide jaw growth
  • Lower the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth
  • Correct harmful oral habits
  • Improve appearance
  • Guide permanent teeth into a more favorable position
  • Create a more pleasing arrangement of teeth, lips, and face

Here are some problems to watch for in growing child, and may benefit from early evaluation by orthodontist: 

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • results Difficulty in chewing or eating 
  • Mouth breathing
  • Finger or thumb sucking
  • Crowded, misplaced, or blocked teeth
  • Jaws that shift
  • Biting the cheek or the roof of the mouth
  • Facial imbalance
  • Speech difficulty
  • A jaw that is too far forward or back
  • Protruding teeth
  • Upper and lower teeth that don’t meet, or meet in an abnormal way
  • An unbalanced facial appearance
  • Grinding or clenching of the teeth

Because patients differ in both physiological development and treatment needs, our goal is to provide each patient with the most appropriate treatment at the most appropriate time. Please call us now to schedule a complimentary consultation, through an early orthodontic evaluation, you'll be giving your child the best opportunity for a healthy and beautiful smile.